

  1. What is a multiprocessor system? Please list three advantages of it(何謂多CPU系統?列出三項優點)

增加工作量  增加可靠性  較省錢  容錯能力較強

  1. What is a handheld system? Please list three issues of it(何謂handheld system  列出三項爭議)

手執式系統   螢幕小  容量小  處理慢

  1. Please compare PIO and DMA
  2. Please explain the Memory and CPU protection individually
  3. What is a privileged instruction? Please list three privileged instructions(何謂特權指令   列出三樣特權指令)
  4. What are the difference between a trap and an interrupt?

What is the use of each function?

  1. What is a virtual machine? (何謂虛擬機器)Please list the advantage and disadvantage of it(列出優點及缺點)




  1. What is the purpose of the command interpreter? Why is it usually separate from the kernel?(何謂命令直譯式的目的)
  2. Please draw the diagram of process state

10.  Please explain the short term , medium term , long term schedulers individually


  1. Define the essential properties of the following types of operating systems(定義以下作業系統類型)

a. Time Sharing分時   b. Parallel   c. Real-Time Embedded及時切入系統   d. Handheld手執式系統  處理慢 螢幕小 容量小

2. Please compare the following terms

  a. Asymmetric multiprocessing vs. Symmetric multiprocessing

  b. Synchronous I/O vs. Asynchronous I/O

3.Please explain the following terms

 a. Direct memory access(DMA)

 b. Interrupt

4.In what ways is the modular kernel approach similar to the layered approach?

 In what ways does it differ from the layered approach?

5. What is a context switch? How to reduce the time of a context switch?

6. What is a process control block(PCB)? Please list five information included in a PCB

  行程控制區塊行程狀態  程式計數器  CPU排班資訊  CPU暫存器  記憶體管理資訊  會計資訊  輸出入狀態資訊

7. Please describe the three kinds of scheduling queues

(1)job queue:指系統所有成是集合

(2)ready queue:指挑進來要被CPU執行的行程

(3)device queue:計錄哪些行程等待執行

8.Please describe the process of the computer startup

9. Please explain the short term, medium term, and long term schedulers individually.


Explain the following terms(解釋名詞)

a. interrupt   b. context switch   c. graceful degradation   d. system program

2.a.What is an Operation System(何謂作業系統)

  b.Describe the goals of an Operating System(形容作業系統的目的)


  b.執行使用者程式和解決使用者問題更簡單 讓電腦系統方便使用

3.a. Compare the symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessor system(比較對稱式和非對稱式多CPU)

 b. List mail advantages of multiprocessor systems(列出多CPU的優點)

 b.增加工作量  增加可靠性  較省錢 容錯能力較強

4.a. What is system call(何謂系統呼叫)

  b. List three general system call parameter passing methods(列出三種傳遞參數的方式)


  b.1.於暫存器中傳遞 2.程式放於stack,再由作業系統從stack取回


5.What is a process control block(PCB)?(何謂PCB)

  Please list five information included in a PCB(列出五種PCB所包含的資訊)

  PCB是行程控制區塊  包含行程狀態  程式計數器  CPU排班資訊  CPU      存器   記憶體管理資訊  輸出入狀態  會計資訊

6.Compare the short term, medium term, long term schedulers individually(比較短中長期排班程式)

  長期排班程式:job queue中挑行程放到ready queue,被挑中的行程才有機會使用CPU


7.List the benefits of multithreaded programming.

8.a.Compare user multithreaded programming

  b.Plot chart of each multithreading model

9.Compare the process with thread


  1. 解釋何謂系統呼叫和系統程式)10%

b Explain Policy and Mechanism.(10%)




 policy指設計作業系統的目的  mechanism指要如何去做的方法

2. a List two kinds of modes in a modern computer system(列出兩種電腦系統模式)5%

  b Why does a modern computer system need the dual-mode operation(為何電腦需要雙模式系統)10%

  a.user modekernel mode


3.List the advantages and disadvantages of microkernel system structure(列出為核心系統的優點和缺點)10%

  優點:擴充較簡單  移植較簡單  更可靠 更安全


4.List the advantages of implementing an operating system with a high-level language.(列出執行和操作高階語言的優點)15%

  精簡  快速  較易了解及除錯  方便移植

5.List the possible states of a process.(列出可能的行程狀態)10%



  waiting 正在等待的行程



6.Describe the actions taken by a kernel to context-switch between processes.10%

7. a Explain the direct communication and indirect communication in interprocess communication(解釋直接通信和間接通信)10%

  b List the advantages of process cooperation(列出協同行程的優點)10%

  b.優點:資料共享 處理快速 模組化 更方便


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